Friday, November 2, 2012

The Warlord

For those of you who crave the "Glory Days" of vanning but cant figure out how to work that flux capacitor right.  I've done you all a huge favor!  I'm taking you back to an issue of Truck & Van Ideas June 1979.  The Warlord.  Giving the centerfold of the month and rightfully so.  The Warlord is a  1975 Dodge B-200 chopped eight inches, running Western Bullet wheels, ground effects and a chin spoiler that would make Jay Leno proud!  This little Dodge had seen big changes in it's day.  It was first featured in Truck & Van Ideas November 1976 sporting green paint, unchopped and it's original ground effects.  It's interior is one of abundance.  Hand carved cedar wood dash,  captain chairs, brass lamps and a tilt column out of an Oldsmobile.  "The Glory Days",  we all wish we were there.  No doubt it was a time when over the top was good!  Proportions were extreme, viking murals were it, and Vanning..... was heavenly.  

Friday, October 12, 2012


In the spirit of 77" punk and all it's troubadours I approach this post as one deeply connected to a lifestyle that many of us have dedicated our lives to.  "WHAT THE HELL IS THIS GUY TALKING ABOUT"?  You ask?  I'm talking about those who have gone against the grain, the ones who have taken their passion and ran with it.  Therefore laying down a path for all of us to join.  I recently met Matt Grayson and fell in love with a little magazine he's putting out titled "ROLLING HEAVY".  I've spent countless hours admiring this zine and it's DIY-ness.  It's reminiscent of a "Flipside", "Continental Restyling" or " Rolls & Pleats".  All really great early zines that set the standard for later, bigger publishings.  If you haven't read it or got a hold of a copy click here and after you've read it,  don't forget to wipe the drool off your chin!


Friday, September 21, 2012

Aligning the Cosmos

After the empty beers were picked up, floors mopped, cigarette butts and left over weed were swept.  I finally got a chance to reflect on what happened.  My conclusion was that we had put a show that was memorable!  A show that everyone who attended will always remember as "CONTROLLED CHAOS"!  From all the vans and all the choppers, to the vendors and the hot rodders.  To bands and the fried chicken, to the PBR and free soda pop.  The cosmos were aligned for the Vandoleros Van Club that day.  I must have walked the isle over a hundred times.  Making sure everyone felt at home, welcomed, and loved.  Unfortunately playing mother didn't allow me to snap a single photo. So the pictures I've posted were taking from,,  ENJOY!

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Van In, Turn On And Chop Out!

"Can We All Just Get Along"?  Finally it's here!  The first Vandoleros Van Club, Van and Chopper show and swap meet!  Come early and swap around,  stare at sweet show vans or just go and sit on someone else's chopper!  You Decide!

Friday, August 10, 2012

Century Cycles

Century Cycles is one of those places that we as Americans seem to take for granted.  Like the power chord playing Ramones or a vegetarian giving up a choice cut of beef for a cold slab of extra firm tofu,  "What Gives"?  We know of its existence and its history, yet it seems that it sits solemnly nestled in its San Pedro city corner.  A shop with so much Southern California history and a great example of "The American Dream", yet it seems to never adorn the pages of Street Chopper, Ironhorse or the posh DICE magazine?  Why so?  Im asking myself the same question?  So recently I paid a visit and snapped a few photos of this working museum. Enjoy!

Friday, July 13, 2012